Welcome Jerome!

Please meet Jerome, our 16” tall gnome. He greets you warmly from his orange stool as you enter the Student Development Office.  

Dressed head to toe in Kalamazoo College logo attire, Jerome’s true passion lies in baking and sharing cookies with students. As the sweet aroma wafts through the hallway, he becomes a culinary wizard, creating delightful treats for the young minds excited to learn and grow. With an tiny apron and an infectious ‘gnome’ smile, Jerome turns every batch into a gesture of warmth and encouragement.  

In this little corner of Student Development, Jerome becomes not just a gnome but a source of sweetness, making the college experience a little more delightful one cookie at a time. 

Collecting topics or focus areas for Toilet Talks

We’re planning for next year’s edition for Toilet Talks! Toilet Talks are newsletters place inside bathroom stalls discussing topics on prevention and education. Editions have focused on relationships, mental heath, studying abroad, etc.

If you are interested in seeing a specific topic or resource located on the Toilet Talks, email Haley.Mangette@kzoo.edu with the information! You can include anything from a resource to spotlight, an topic for the edition to research done that you would like to be included in the newsletter!

Ideas collected before June 6th will be given priority. We welcome you to submit ideas or resources after this date, however, there is no guarantee it will be used in the year’s editions. In some cases, we can tie in topics or resources to our scheduled content, while others may need a separate edition. We will save these ideas for future editions!

Example or Toilet Talk edition.

Wellness Survey

Hey First-Years, Sophomores, and Juniors! Did you complete the Wellness Survey?

It’s a 10-question survey sent to you May 9th that should take around 5 minutes to complete! The email containing the link for the survey should be from studentsurveys@kzoo.edu. If you complete it, join us outside of Hicks tomorrow afternoon (May 11th) for a giveaway!


The K CARE Team is a collaborative, multidisciplinary group that works together to identify, assess, and support community members who are struggling or are engaging in concerning behaviors. Our goal is to intervene, assist, and provide comprehensive support to students experiencing challenges and/or exhibiting threatening or concerning behaviors.

Anyone can make a referral to the CARE team about a students. This can be done by either emailing Care@kzoo.edu or reaching out to any of the CARE team members (found at the bottom of K CARE Team).

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns about a student.

Save the Date Founder’s Day

This day of community celebration is the result of a Community Council idea to recognize the amazing work that happens each and every day on this campus. Due to the nature of the work environment at Kalamazoo College, it has always been a challenge to find time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of one of the College’s most valued resources – its staff and faculty. Founder’s Day is a time to celebrate each of the faculty and staff and the years of service to Kalamazoo College.

This year’s Founder’s Day will be held on Friday, April 21st at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel.

Please plan to join us!

Hungry Hornets – Meal Swipe Program

Do you have extra meal swipes you won’t use this week? Do you need some extra help with meals?

If you answered “yes” to either question, please remember the Hungry Hornets program allows students to donate extra meal swipes they won’t use to a meal swipe bank which are used to provide hot meals to students who need some to support adequate nutrition. To donate or request meals fill out the online form on this page.

The Hungry Hornets program also has a refrigerator stocked with “to go” meals – these meals are made fresh each day and utilize food otherwise destined for compost. They are designed to support students who can benefit from some extra help with their daily meals. These are available in the kitchenette in Hicks 110.

Student Climate Action Forum – 3/29 @ 11:00 am – Hicks Atrium

Join the Climate Action Plan Committee as they introduce K College’s updated 5-year Climate Action Plan! Learn about the history of the plan, and what makes this new version special as it guides our vision for a carbon neutral and sustainable K community.

Do you have ideas about environmental actions you want to see on campus? Would you like to know more about how to get involved with the plan itself? Drop in anytime between 11 and 11:45 a.m. and join the conversation. Food provided.