
News from Student Development

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Welcome to the Division of Student Development!

The work of Student Development is to prepare Kalamazoo College graduates to better understand, live successfully within, and provide enlightened leadership to a richly diverse and increasingly complex world. Our goal is to provide the most powerful educational experience possible for Kalamazoo College students. This means that we:

  • attend to students’ basic needs,
  • help create the conditions for a challenging, engaging, and supportive out-of-class experience for students,
  • are supportive partners to faculty and staff colleagues,
  • and work with parents as appropriate.

Our constituent offices carry out distinct functions, and share a common purpose and commitment to our role.

The Division of Student Development includes: Campus Dining, Campus Safety, Chapel/Religious and Spiritual Life, Counseling, Dean of Students, Disability Services, Intercultural Student Life, Orientation, Outdoor Programs/LandSea, Residential Life, Student Conduct, Student Health Center, Student Involvement, and the Vice President for Student Development.

Our work is a blend of routine administrative processes, program planning, work and consultation with a variety of student entities, unique problem-solving with students and families, consultation with campus colleagues, constant “educational moments,” and creative fun.

I hope that you will view the Division of Student Development as a starting place with any questions or concerns you might have. We are here to help.

J. Malcolm Smith
Vice President for Student Development