Posting of Signs

“To enhance our community, we accept responsibility for its social well-being. We commit ourselves to treat with respect those with whom we differ, to recognize the rights held by others, and resolve conflicts. Expressions of prejudgment and prejudice are contrary to this mutual respect and prevent the fostering of community.”

–Kalamazoo College Honor System

All posted signs must be stamped by the Office of Student Development

  • All posted signs must be stamped by the Office of Student Development and must include the name of the sponsor (department, student group, etc.) and contact information (email, phone number, etc.)
  • All posted signs must include the date of posting and will be removed one week after the posting date or immediately following the announced event.
  • Signs may be posted only on general posting bulletin boards or tack boards. Signs will be removed from all other locations (including walls and glass). The sponsor will be held responsible for any damage caused by postings.
  • Signs from individuals or organizations outside the College must be reviewed and stamped in the Office of Student Development.
  • Chalking with water-soluble chalk on sidewalks only is permitted. Messages written on campus buildings with chalk, paint, pen, pencil, crayon, etc. or on any College property with indelible substances will be treated as vandalism and subject to appropriate College disciplinary procedures or referral for criminal proceedings.
  • Individuals/groups who wish to have fliers posted in the residence halls may leave a number of approved postings at the Student Development Office for the Residential Life staff to distribute to the Resident Assistants for posting on residence hall general posting bulletin boards.
  • Complaints about the content of signs should be directed to the sponsoring individuals or organizations identified on the sign. If this process cannot resolve the concern, the concerned party may contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance.

Signs which violate any of these regulations will be removed.