Parental Notification

Kalamazoo College recognizes students’ developing independence, responsibility and accountability. However, the Dean of Students or his/her designates has the authority and reserves the right to notify parents in the following circumstances and conditions.


The College reserves the right to notify parents or guardians, regardless of age, status, or conduct, in health and safety emergencies, hospitalizations, or when in our judgment, the health or well-being of a student or others is or may be at risk.

Student Conduct

The College reserves the right to inform parents or guardians of students when:

  • They have been involved in activity on or off campus where a student group or organization is found to have violated College policy with respect to the possession or use of alcohol or drugs.
  • There has been a disturbance of others on or off campus.
  • There has been a disruption of students’ education or neighbors.
  • The student demonstrates a disregard for his or her personal safety or the safety of others, the student was harmed or injured, or harmed or injured others.
  • The was damage or the potential of damage to property
  • The violation involved an arrest in which the student was taken into custody.
  • The incident involves a serious violation that could result in the student being removed from study abroad or the residential system, or suspension or expulsion.
  • The student has demonstrated a pattern of violations, even if they are minor.
  • The student who committed the violation became physically ill and/or required medical intervention as a result of alcohol or drugs.

Alcohol and Drugs

In the matter of drug or alcohol use or possession, or when alcohol or drugs are provided to others, the College reserves the right to inform parents or guardians when:

A. Dependent students under the age of 21 have committed a violation of College policies related to alcohol or drugs. Parental notification may routinely happen at the:

  • Second offense of the alcohol policy for possession or use.
  • First offense of the alcohol policy for providing alcohol to underage drinkers or possessing a single source container.
  • First offense of the drug policy.

B. Students 21 years old or older have committed a violation of College policies related to alcohol or drugs. Parental notification may routinely happen at the:

  • First offense of the College’s alcohol policy for providing alcohol to underage drinkers or possessing a single source container.
  • First offense of the College’s drug policy.

Student Notification

Whenever possible, students will be informed that parental notification is planned in advance of their parents or guardians receiving notification so that they have an opportunity to discuss it with the Dean of Students or his/her designate