Academic Dishonesty

Acts of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; (2) use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems; or carrying out other assignments; (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the College community; (4) engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion.

Alcohol Policy

General Information

Kalamazoo College's alcohol policy is consistent with state law regarding alcoholic beverages and its commitment to helping students be responsible adults. Students twenty-one years and older who choose to use alcohol should do so in a responsible manner and in accordance with state law. Irresponsible drinking may adversely affect academic performance, interfere with personal relationships, or result in illness, injury or death. Drinking should be a considered choice that displays respect for oneself and for the community. Information about the impact of alcohol and treatment of substance abuse can be found in the materials sent to each student annually under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

Summary of Michigan Law

It is illegal to purchase, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages unless one has attained the age of twenty-one. It is illegal to provide alcoholic beverages to or provide false identification for a person under the age of twenty-one. (Refer to state statutes for the most complete explanation of the laws of Michigan.)

Kalamazoo Alcohol Policy

  • Persons under the age of twenty-one may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages, or host drinking in their rooms or on campus..
  • No alcoholic beverages shall be provided to persons under the age of twenty-one.
  • Regardless of age, no person may consume alcoholic beverages or carry open alcoholic beverage containers in the public areas of the campus. (Exception as noted in number eight.) Public areas include, but are not limited to, residence hall hallways, lounges and kitchens, campus buildings, athletic fields and facilities, and campus grounds. Residence hall suites and living/learning housing units are considered private residential rooms.
  • Students aged twenty-one and older may choose to drink alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their residential rooms, providing they do not infringe upon the rights of others in or around the residence.
  • Underage persons may be present when drinking occurs in a private residential room as long as a legal-aged resident of that room is present. It shall be the responsibility of the legal- aged resident to see that alcoholic beverages are not served to or consumed by underage persons.
  • Single source containers (e.g. kegs) and "beer bongs" are prohibited.
  • Intoxication and/or disruptive behavior related to substance use are prohibited.
  • Outside of the residence halls and houses, alcoholic beverages may be served on campus only under the following conditions:
    • A College office or department must sponsor the event.
    • A College official must register it at least two weeks in advance with the Dean of Students.
    • The distribution of alcoholic beverages must be served and monitored by a Dining Service bartender or a member of the sponsoring department.
    • Only persons of age may be served.
    • Non-alcohol beverages and food must be served.
    • There shall be no direct or indirect charge for the event and no donations and collections shall be taken at the event.
    • Extra security coverage, at the expense of the host, may be required.

Policy Interpretation

The following interpretation is included to clarify understanding what is and what is not permitted under the alcohol policy:

Persons twenty-one and older:

  • MAY drink alcohol in their own residence hall rooms.
  • MAY drink alcohol in another residence hall room if the host is twenty-one or older and is present.
  • MAY carry unopened containers of alcohol on campus.
  • MAY provide alcohol in their own residence hall rooms to others aged twenty-one or older.
  • MAY NOT drink alcohol in the residence hall outside of a private residence room.
  • MAY NOT drink alcohol in a residence hall room that has no resident of legal age or in which the legal age resident is not present.
  • MAY NOT provide alcohol to others under the age of twenty-one.
  • MAY NOT charge in any way for alcohol consumption by others.
  • MAY NOT possess single source containers.
  • MAY NOT permit underage persons to bring in or consume alcohol in their residence rooms.

Persons under the age of twenty-one:

  • MAY be in private residence rooms where legal drinking is occurring.
  • MAY NOT possess or drink alcohol.
  • MAY NOT permit underage persons to bring in or consume alcohol in their residence rooms.
  • MAY NOT carry opened or unopened alcoholic beverage containers anyplace on campus.
  • MAY NOT provide alcohol to anyone.

All residents of a room, suite, living/learning housing unit will be held responsible when a violation occurs in that space unless excused from responsibility by all other involved students.

Terms and Conditions of a Room Search

Residential Life staff have the jurisdiction to investigate the potential use or presence of alcohol anywhere within the college residential system, including individual student rooms, if they suspect that a violation of the College's alcohol policy is occurring. Elements that may lead a staff member to have a reasonable suspicion include sounds, smells, visual cues, and erratic or disruptive behavior that indicate the presence of alcohol. A search may be initiated by a Resident Assistant involved if the above suspicions are met.

A search is considered to be a prompt for the resident(s) to open things that may be concealing alcohol, along with probing questions revolving around suspected alcohol use, from the staff member in question. The search will always be done in conjunction with the resident(s) of the room and they bear the right to consent or not consent to the search. As such, they may refuse to open closed spaces or answer questions. However, this refusal may result in Residential Life professional staff and/or Campus Safety becoming involved. This refusal will also be reflected in any reports filed and and may add suspicion to the likelihood of a policy violation. 

Each situation is unique and extenuating circumstances may warrant different responses. All considerations will be taken into account by the recipient of the report. The ultimate discretion belongs to the student conduct officer.

Events Serving Alcohol

Any group or sponsoring entity wishing to include alcohol as part of an event must abide by state and local laws relevant to alcohol, to the Alcohol Policy included in the Student Code of Conduct, and to the requirements of the Alcohol and Use of Campus Facilities Policy.

During the academic year, the College’s residence halls are designated as alcohol-free and cannot be reserved for events at which alcohol will be served. Exceptions will be considered during break periods and/or times when students are not in residence. As a general practice, the Hicks Student Center is also an alcohol-free facility during the academic year.

Alcoholic beverages may be served on campus under the following conditions:

Amnesty for Students Seeking Assistance During Emergencies

In instances where a student seeks medical assistance for themselves or another individual, the College will not pursue disciplinary action through the student conduct process for violations of the alcohol or drug policies for the eligible students. For full details regarding this policy, visit this page dedicated to Amnesty for Students Seeking Assistance During Emergencies.

Amnesty for Students Seeking Assistance with Substance Misuse/Dependence

The College encourages students who believe they have a history of substance misuse or substance dependence to seek assistance. If a student brings his/her/their own use, addiction or dependency to the attention of College officials outside of the threat of drug tests or imposition of disciplinary action and seeks assistance, disciplinary action will not be pursued. A formal support plan may be developed in partnership with the student. If a student fails to abide by a formal support plan, they may be subject to additional requirements or may be subject to the formal student conduct process for future or repeated instances of alcohol or drug use/possession.

Bicycle Registration Policy

All bicycles used, stored, parked or operated on Kalamazoo College property shall be registered with a valid Kalamazoo College bicycle registration sticker. In this policy 'bicycle' also refers to motorized electric bicycle and motorized scooter.

Bicycles shall be parked only in designated bike racks placed on campus. When parking your bicycle, don't obstruct walkways, railings, doorways or ramps intended for use by pedestrians or people with disabilities. Improperly parked bicycles may be removed and impounded by the Office of Campus Safety. The Office of Campus Safety shall not be responsible or liable in any way for lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles. Bicycles shall also be kept in good working order and shall not be allowed to deteriorate or become otherwise derelict.

If left unattended, a bicycle may be tagged as abandoned with a warning notice by the Office of Campus Safety . If the bicycle is not removed within fourteen days, Office of Campus Safety will impound it without further notice. This abatement process is performed in student living areas and other areas of campus on an ongoing basis. The Office of Campus Safety has the sole authority to determine whether a bicycle is abandoned. A bicycle is determined to be abandoned when it is found in the same location over an extended period of time (generally two weeks or more) with any combination of missing parts, dust/cobweb covered, flat tires, and rusted chain. If an impounded abandoned bicycle is registered under this policy, the Office of Campus Safety shall make a good faith effort to contact the registered owner so that they may reclaim their bicycle. If an abandoned bicycle is not registered under this policy, the Office of Campus Safety will dispose of the bicycle after holding it for ninety (90) days. The Office of Campus Safety is not responsible for the cost of locks, chains, other security devices, or any other item that may be damaged or destroyed as a result of removing any bicycle. The Office of Campus Safety has no responsibility or liability to replace or make compensation for such items.

The College has the authority to sell, surplus, destroy, or otherwise dispose of any removed bicycle. In most cases the abandoned bicycle will be turned over to the recycling department for use in the bicycle loan program. If you think your bicycle was impounded for being abandoned within the past ninety days, please contact the Office of Campus Safety at to arrange an appointment to view the impounded bicycles. Be prepared to show proof of ownership and ID in order to have the bicycle released to you. The Office of Security has sole authority to determine the sufficiency of such evidence, and the determination shall not be subject to protest, appeal, or review. Prior to the Office of Security releasing the bicycle to its owner, if the bicycle is not already registered, the owner will be required to register the bicycle in accordance with college policy.

Bicycle Abatement Program

The Office of Campus Safety removes abandoned bicycles from racks in order to maintain an adequate number of secure parking spaces and thereby discourage bicycle theft. Bicycles may also be removed from bike racks which are being relocated due to construction. Bicycles identified for removal are posted with a notice informing the owner that they must remove the bicycle from its current location within fourteen days or the bicycle will be impounded. Simply removing the notice will not stop your bicycle from being impounded; only the removal of the bicycle from that rack will let us know that the owner has not abandoned the bicycle.

All impounded bicycles are then brought to the Office of Campus Safety for processing. The bicycles are held for a minimum of 90 days. During this time, an attempt is made to contact the owners of the bicycles through Office of Security registration records to ascertain whether they wish to exercise their ownership rights.

If you believe your bicycle may have been removed and you wish to claim it, please contact the Office of Campus Safety at

** Please do not leave your bike locked at a bicycle rack when you leave campus for an extended period of time. **

Summer Abandoned Bicycle Abatement

It is strongly recommended that you arrange for storage of your bicycle over the summer. If your bicycle is collected as abandoned by the Office of Campus Safety during the summer break, it will be stored for 90 days. Those bicycles not claimed by their owners will be released Campus Recycling after that time.

PLEASE NOTE: If you leave your bicycle locked to a rack or other outdoor object after the end of the spring quarter, your bicycle will be declared abandoned, your lock will be cut and your bicycle impounded. Housing construction and cleaning projects take place during the summer and bicycles that are not removed from bike racks near the residences and other campus locations may be impounded as a result.

The Office of Campus Safety will charge a $40 storage fee if your bike is impounded during this period. You will not be reimbursed if it was necessary to cut your lock in order to impound your bicycle. Please make appropriate storage arrangements before leaving campus for the summer or other extended periods.

Classroom Behavior

The Kalamazoo College Honor System applies to classroom behavior as well as other types of interpersonal interactions on campus under the auspices of "Respecting Others." While Kalamazoo College is committed to the fundamental principles of freedom of speech, including controversial positions taken in the classroom, all types of speech and behavior must be balanced with principles of appropriate classroom behavior. It is ultimately the faculty member who manages the classroom, and if a situation develops in which, in the opinion of the faculty member, the class is being disrupted, the faculty member has the right to ask a student to leave the class. Resolutions under this policy will be dealt with according to College's Student Code of Conduct.

What is Disruptive Behavior?

Generally, disruptive behavior is any behavior that interferes with the instructor's ability to conduct the class, or the ability of other students to profit from the teaching and learning environment. Such behavior may take various forms, and the impact of such behavior can be dependent upon many factors including class size, subject matter, and the relationship between faculty and students.

Disruptive behavior may be viewed on a continuum ranging from the isolated incidents of mildly annoying or irritating behavior to more clearly disruptive, dangerous, and/or violent behavior.

Examples of disruptive behavior may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Persistent speaking
  • Inappropriate use of electronic devices
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Sleeping in class
  • Entering class late or leaving early
  • Eating/drinking in class
  • Disputing authority and non-academic argumentation
  • Conduct that impedes group work/projects
  • Grandstanding
  • Threats of any kind and/or harassment
  • Physical disruptions or physical altercations

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Kalamazoo College respects the right of instructors to teach and the right of students to learn. Protection of these rights requires certain classroom conditions. To ensure these rights, faculty members have the prerogative:

  • To establish and implement academic standards;
  • To establish and enforce reasonable behavior standards in each class;
  • To involve appropriate offices/resources when a classroom disruption arises;
  • To address problematic behavior with students and articulate expectations
  • To make a determination about an appropriate response or outcome, within the scope of that faculty member's class, excluding permanent removal from class.
  • To document any incidents and outcomes.

The college classroom isn't a "public forum" like a city street or a park. Faculty members can define the course agenda, set and limit topics for discussion, give grades that reflect a student's class performance, and maintain order in the classroom. Faculty members freely complete these important functions, as long as they refrain from unlawful discrimination, or seek to punish students solely for expressing unpopular viewpoints pertinent to the course.

What if a disruptive student claims the disruptive behavior is the result of a disability?

Students - with or without disabilities - must adhere to reasonable behavioral standards.

Disability claims and accommodation requests should be discussed with the Disability Coordinator. There are established procedures students should follow if reasonable accommodation is required. If a student has provided documentation of a disability to the College, faculty will be notified in writing at the beginning of the quarter of any student requiring accommodations. Faculty members are not obligated to provide accommodation or ignore behavior if a student claims a disability, but the student has not followed the established procedures for registering with the Disability Coordinator. In this case, faculty members are encouraged to notify the Disabilities Coordinator promptly.

An institution of higher education does not have to tolerate or excuse violent, dangerous, or disruptive behavior, especially when that behavior interferes with the educational opportunities of other students. Colleges and universities may discipline a student with a disability for engaging in misconduct if it would impose the same discipline on a student without a disability.

Documentation of Incidents and Outcomes

Faculty members at Kalamazoo College have been encouraged to report and document inappropriate classroom behavior and outcomes to the Associate Provost and the Dean of Students.


Sections of this document have been taken in part or in their entirety, with permission, from the sources listed below:

  • Office of Judicial Affairs, Northeastern University, "Disruptive Students in the Classroom"
  • Office of Student Affairs, University of West Florida, "Classroom Disruption: Prevention and Resolution"
  • SYNFAX: Weekly Commentary on Critical Issues in Higher Education. From the Editors of
  • SYNTHESIS: Law and Policy in Higher Education. Week of July 9, 2001, pp. 2024-2025.

Drone/Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Use on Campus

It is not permissible for individual students, faculty, and staff or outside entities to operate unmanned aircraft/drones on Kalamazoo College campus, interiors, or exteriors. This is due to both Federal Aviation Association requirements, and risk management/liability issues.

Exceptions may be made for official institutional use or research/teaching use; those instances will be managed through the office of the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students. The City of Kalamazoo Law enforcement agencies (including but not limited to City of Kalamazoo Public Safety, City of Kalamazoo Fire Department, or other first responders) are exempt from these guidelines. For questions, please contact Sarah B. Westfall, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students at 269.337.7209 or

Appropriate and Prohibited Uses

UAS must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (Click on Federal Aviation Administration, then Click Register Your Drone) and provide proof and a copy of the registration to the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students for approval to operate the UAS on Kalamazoo College campus.

UAS is limited to one per person, office, and department on campus and may only be used between the hours of 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

UAS shall not be used to monitor or record areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with accepted social norms. These areas include but are not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, individual residential rooms, changing or dressing rooms, health center lounge, and exam rooms.

UAS shall not be used to monitor or record residential hallways, residential lounges, or the insides of campus facilities including professional offices and building windows.

UAS shall not be used to monitor or record sensitive institutional or personal information, which may be found, for example, on an individual's work spaces, computer, or other electronic displays.

UAS shall not be used at College sponsored events (except College sanctioned UAS), following individuals on campus, and or delivering anything on campus.

The current unmanned aircraft rules remain in place until the FAA implements a final new rule. The FAA encourages new operators to visit: Current Unmanned State Law Landscape.


Any violations of college policies by an individual will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct, or the relevant Faculty or Staff disciplinary processes, which may include disciplinary actions up to and including suspension, termination, or expulsion from the college.

Fines or damages incurred by individuals or units that do not comply with this policy will not be paid by Kalamazoo College and will be the responsibility of those persons involved.

Approved September 6, 2016 by President’s Staff

Drug Policy

The possession, use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances, including but not limited to marijuana, LSD or any other hallucinogenic drugs, cocaine, Ecstasy, GHB, barbiturates or other depressants, amphetamines or other stimulants, or the misuse of any prescription drug constitutes a violation of federal, state, and municipal laws and College regulations. Further, the possession, use or sale of drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to pipes, and bongs, is strictly prohibited.

Though legal in Michigan, medical and recreational marijuana are not permitted on campus property. The College receives a great deal of federal funding for student financial aid, and federal restrictions on marijuana supersede Michigan state law. Simply put, permitting marijuana on campus may jeopardize the ability of the College to receive federal funding. Because of this, medical marijuana is prohibited on campus property.

Violators will be subject to the full range of sanctions available to the College, including but not limited to substance abuse assessment, education, probation, removal from housing, suspension and expulsion. Violations involving the distribution or sale of drugs will lead to suspension or expulsion as minimum sanctions.

The College reserves the right to involve the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety in the possession, use, distribution, or sale of drugs or controlled substances. Should a student be suspected of distributing or selling drugs, the College will involve the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety.

Prescription Drugs

Students must keep any medication that is prescribed to them in the original pill bottle.  For those who choose to use a pill organizer to manage their intake, they should have ready access to proof of a prescription and the original bottle that they are pulling from.  The dosage contained in the pill organizer should correlate with that of the prescription. 

The College reserves the right to ask students to verify their prescription when appropriate.  If the person in question is unable to do so in the moment, they will be given a timeline by which to do so before the case is referred to the Office of Student Conduct for follow-up.  If the proof of prescription has a date that indicates that the medication has expired or that it was written after the discovery and request for verification, the validity of the student’s claim will be further scrutinized. 

The unauthorized possession and use of prescription medication is a danger to individuals and the community.  Students are not only responsible for the safe storage of any medication prescribed to them, but also the safe disposal of any medication that has expired.  Many community drug stores provide receptacles in which to do so (e.g. Walgreen’s safe medication disposal kiosk).   

Students found responsible for behavior that is in violation of this policy will face sanctions through the student conduct system.  All state and federal laws regarding the illegal possession and distribution of prescription drugs apply.  Should local law enforcement become involved, the responsible party may face criminal charges and possible jail time.  

Election Codes

Kalamazoo College Council of Student Representatives Election Codes (May 2019)

Article I. Nature of Election Codes

These Election Codes shall serve as the operating rules and regulations for all elections of student government at Kalamazoo College, including the Kalamazoo College Council of Student Representatives (KCCSR).

Article II. Candidacy

To be an eligible candidate for an elected student government position on KCCSR, an individual shall be required to:

A. Be a currently enrolled student in “good standing” with the college.
B. Submit a complete and accurate candidate application before the publicized deadline for the election cycle.
C. Submit a compliance statement agreeing to adhere to these election codes.

Article III.  Polling

A. All students enrolled at Kalamazoo College during the term of an election shall be able to cast a ballot in student government elections.
B. Polls shall be open for at least12 hours on the advertised day of the election.
C. There shall be no campaigning inside Hicks Student Center during polling hours.

Article IV.  Campaigns

A. Campaigns should be run in a positive manner – i.e. campaign for a candidate, not against others.
B. Candidates are eligible for reimbursement of up to $25.00 in campaign related expenses.  To be eligible for reimbursement, candidates must submit proper paperwork, including original, itemized receipts for all qualified purchases, no later than 5 business days after the election.  All purchases must meet college purchase guidelines; any questions about this process should be directed to Student Development before purchase is made.
C. All flyers, promotions, and postings must follow established posting and soliciting guidelines of the college.

Article V. Voting and Results

A. All votes will be cast on-line through the college’s software.
B. The results of each election will be shared via Hornet Hive within twelve hours of the polls closing.

Fire Safety Policies and Procedures

Fire safety is a serious concern of the College. The following regulations and policies are designed to protect every individual in the College community from the threat of fire. All members of the College community are expected to understand and abide by these regulations.

Building/Room Capacities and Overcrowding. Overcrowding in a facility can be very dangerous in case of fire. Please abide by capacity restrictions and leave an area in an orderly fashion if asked to do so by a security guard attempting to eliminate the overcrowding.

The Kalamazoo Public Safety Department Fire Marshall has established the following building capacity limits.


(T/C=Tables/Chairs; N/T/C=No Tables/Chairs)

AAC-Anderson Athletic Center Gym T/C 1,289, N/T/C 2,763
CRISSEY-Residence Hall Basement Lounge T/C 188, N/T/C 402
DEWATERS-Residence Hall 2nd Floor-West Lounge T/C 29, N/T/C 63
FAB-Fine Arts Building Dungeon Theatre 100
FAB-Fine Arts Building Dalton Theatre 460
FAB-Fine Arts Building Balch Playhouse 310
FAB-Fine Arts Building Recital Hall 175
HARMON-Residence Hall Full Lounge T/C 140, N/T/C 300
HICKS CENTER President's Lounge T/C 98, N/T/C 210
HICKS CENTER Old Welles Hall T/C 266, N/T/C 571, C 466
HICKS CENTER Stone Room T/C 138, C 295
HICKS CENTER Quad Stop T/C 154, C 331, D/F 133
HOBEN-Residence Hall Full Lounge TC 134, N/T/C 286
MANDELLE Olmsted Room T/C 54, N/T/C 116
SEVERN-Residence Hall Lounge T/C 104, N/T/C 223
TROWBRIDGE-Residence Hall Main Lounge-1st Floor T/C 45, N/T/C 97


For health, safety, and liability reasons students may not cook regular meals in the residential system in place of a board contract outside of the campus apartments or the Living/Learning Housing Units that are equipped for that purpose.

False Alarms and Fire Extinguishers

Initiating a false alarm or discharging a fire extinguisher for other than a fire emergency is a violation of College policy.

Fire Drills

State law requires fire drills. The College conducts drills every quarter. Whenever a fire alarm sounds, persons are expected to leave the building quickly and in an orderly manner by the nearest exit. All windows and doors should be closed, but not locked. Persons may not reenter a building until instructed to do so. Those who fail to vacate buildings when an alarm sounds are first endangering themselves and others and secondly are in violation of state fire codes. As a minimum sanction, a fine of $50.00 may be imposed for failure to vacate a building.

Fire Exits

Posted building floor plans show fire exit routes and locations of fire extinguishers. Tampering with posted exits plans is prohibited. Fire exits or any emergency egress may not be blocked or tampered with in any fashion. Items, including furniture and bicycles, my not be stored in or near fire exits.

Fire Suppression/Sprinkler Systems

Attaching or hanging anything from any portion of a sprinkler system, including pipes and sprinkler heads, or activities that may damage or accidentally activate the system in any fashion (e.g., playing sports in a residence hall hallway) are strictly prohibited.

Fireworks and Explosives

The possession or use of fireworks or explosives on campus is strictly forbidden. See Policy on Weapons, Firearms, Fireworks, Explosives

Open Flames

Open flames, including candles, are prohibited by the city fire code. Playing with fire in any manner, whether or not damage or injury occurs, is strictly forbidden.

Prohibited Items

A list of items prohibited for health or safety reasons in the residential system for safety reasons can be found at: Residential Life: Prohibited Items Policy

Smoking and Burning Incense

Smoking and burning incense (or other materials) is prohibited in all classroom, administrative, athletic, and residence buildings on campus. See the College's smoking policy.


Students may not tamper with the following, including but not limited to window screens, doors, locks, safety devices, smoke or fire detection devices, fire extinguishers, exit lights, pull stations, sprinkler/fire suppression systems (including sprinkler heads & control valves), electrical wiring, outlets, fixtures, plumbing, telephone, computer or TV cable. As a minimum sanction, a fine of $50.00 will be imposed for tampering or damaging any fire safety equipment or system.


Violators of any of the above policies and those who endanger others will be subject to the full range of sanctions available to the College, including, but not limited to fines, restitution (including repair and replacement), removal from the residential system, suspension and expulsion.

Freedom of Expression and Disorderly Behavior

"Liberal learning requires for its highest effectiveness an environment of free inquiry in which the whole range of human aspiration and achievement, of knowledge and culture, can be subjected to searching scrutiny. Liberal learning believes that people should be free to construct and criticize without restraint of official dogmatism. Liberal learning specifically denies that if an idea is unpopular it is therefore suspect, or that if an idea is popular it is therefore true, and trusts instead in those canons of discrimination that are given in the Western tradition of historical scholarship and ethics.

Standing self-consciously within this tradition of liberal learning, Kalamazoo College claims for its teachers and students the freedom to engage in the careful and critical examination of the history of ideas; the freedom to create, to hold, to advocate and to act on behalf of ideas that express their own convictions and integrity; the freedom to engage in the controversy that an unfettered examination and expression of ideas generates; and the freedom to invite to campus representatives of points of view that are important to an informed understanding of the conflict of ideas in our own time."

Kalamazoo College Academic Catalog, "Academic Freedom"

Kalamazoo College supports the rights of individuals or groups to raise concerns via speech, performance, peaceable protest or demonstration. The free exchange and discussion of ideas, including unpopular or controversial ideas, is central to the purpose of the academy and our education. However, the right to protest and demonstrate must be balanced with the right of individuals to pursue an education free from disruption, a concept no less central to the academy than the discussion or debate of provocative or challenging ideas or positions.

Learning to balance these two rights and hold them in tension is a part of what is intended by the first three principles of our Honor System: Taking Responsibility for Personal Behavior (1), Respecting Others (2), and Nurturing Independent Thought (3). Within its lawful authority to do so, the College will protect the right of any member of the College community, or any invited speaker or artist, to speak or perform, to demonstrate or protest, or to communicate with or hear others in the community as together we seek to balance freedom of expression with the right to listen and be heard. (See "Honor System" in the College Catalog)

When the conduct of an individual or group infringes upon the right and freedom of others to demonstrate or protest, or to avail themselves of educational opportunities or resources offered by Kalamazoo College, such conduct may constitute cause for action under the College's Student Conduct Code. The following representative actions, including, but not limited to the list below, are grounds for action under the Student Conduct Code and bring to bear the full range of sanctions available to the College.

  • Violent action, or advocating or inciting violence against others
  • Occupation of a building, office, classroom or other facility to the exclusion of others
  • Disruption of the educational environment, including classes, functions or events
  • Detention of a person or persons to inhibit participation
  • Blocking free access to facilities or events
  • Damage to College or personal property
  • Failure to cooperate with College authorities maintaining or restoring order

ID/Key Cards and Key Usage

Identification and key card information

After enrollment, students report to the Campus Safety Office where photos will be taken and identification cards distributed.

  • Preferred names may be used on Student ID cards. Changes may be made at any time.
  • The first ID card is free of charge.
  • For safety, lost ID cards must be reported and deactivated immediately.
  • There is a $10.00 charge for replacing a lost ID card.
  • Falsifying, misusing, or knowingly transferring ID/Key cards is prohibited.
  • Duplicating College ID cards is prohibited.
  • Using College keys without authorization is prohibited.

ID Photos

Campus Safety is currently accepting photos for use on student IDs via email.

Send photos to

Photo guidelines

  • 700 pixels wide x 1000 pixels tall
  • .jpg file format
  • Full face and head are visible, well lit, clearly focused, and fill most of the frame
  • Background is a generally consistent, neutral color and not distracting
  • Background, clothing, etc, are free from distracting or potentially offensive text or images

Photos will be reviewed by Campus Safety before being printed onto your ID card. They will notify you via reply email if your photo is not acceptable. Otherwise your ID card will be ready for you at orientation. The green check mark on your status page may take a week to show up.

Medical Leave of Absence

See the College policy on "Withdrawal, Leaves of Absence, and Dismissal from the College" in the Academic Catalog.

Reinstatement - Medical Leave

The reinstatement application and all required paperwork are due to the College no later than 30 days before the start of the quarter in which you request to return to the College. Upcoming due dates are as follows:

QuarterMedical Reinstatement Application and Paperwork Due
Spring 2025February 28, 2025
Fall 2025August 15, 2025
Winter 2026December 4, 2025

The reinstatement process may take several weeks. During this time, we will work with you and your healthcare provider to assess your readiness to return to the rigors of academic life.

Paperwork needed to apply for reinstatement from a Medical Leave of Absence

Medical Leave Reinstatement Process

Submit the reinstatement application, authorization to share health information, and have your healthcare provider submit the Healthcare Provider Form to the College no less than 30 days before the start of the term in which you wish to return to the College. It is your responsibility to share the deadline with your health care provider.

The Dean of Students, the Counseling Center and/or the Student Health Center will review your application and the Healthcare Provider Form. They will assess your readiness to return to the College and participate in its educational programs and other activities.

The Dean of Students will simultaneously review five additional areas before deciding your reinstatement status:

  • Financial: All outstanding charges on your student account must be paid in full before reinstatement.
  • Student Conduct: Any history of academic or social misconduct may be grounds to deny reinstatement or warrant specific conditions for your return to the College.
  • Academic Standing: If you did not leave the College in good academic standing, the Academic Standards Committee may require you to complete an Academic Standards Petition form. The Committee may deny reinstatement or identify specific academic requirements that you must meet upon your reinstatement to the College.
  • Financial Aid: Reinstatement does not guarantee the continuation of your previous offers of financial aid. We recommend that you contact the Office of Financial Aid (269.337.7192) for specific information about the opportunity to receive financial aid. If your financial aid has been cancelled due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) you may be required to submit a Financial Aid Petition to request that your aid be reinstated. The Committee may approve or deny this request.
  • Health Center: Reinstatement to the College requires that a student be current on all required vaccinations, and documentation must be submitted to the Health Center.

If necessary, the Dean of Students, members of the Counseling Center, or other College representatives may talk with you to discuss your leave and your plans for support and care (if necessary) upon your return to the College.

The Dean of Students will notify you of the College’s decision in writing regarding your application for reinstatement.

If you have any questions throughout the reinstatement process, please contact the Dean of Students, Dana Jansma at 269.337.7209 or

Parental Notification

Kalamazoo College recognizes students' developing independence, responsibility and accountability. However, the Dean of Students or his/her designates has the authority and reserves the right to notify parents in the following circumstances and conditions.


The College reserves the right to notify parents or guardians, regardless of age, status, or conduct, in health and safety emergencies, hospitalizations, or when in our judgment, the health or well-being of a student or others is or may be at risk.

Student Conduct

The College reserves the right to inform parents or guardians of students when:

  • They have been involved in activity on or off campus where a student group or organization is found to have violated College policy with respect to the possession or use of alcohol or drugs.
  • There has been a disturbance of others on or off campus.
  • There has been a disruption of students' education or neighbors.
  • The student demonstrates a disregard for his or her personal safety or the safety of others, the student was harmed or injured, or harmed or injured others.
  • The was damage or the potential of damage to property
  • The violation involved an arrest in which the student was taken into custody.
  • The incident involves a serious violation that could result in the student being removed from study abroad or the residential system, or suspension or expulsion.
  • The student has demonstrated a pattern of violations, even if they are minor.
  • The student who committed the violation became physically ill and/or required medical intervention as a result of alcohol or drugs.

Alcohol and Drugs

In the matter of drug or alcohol use or possession, or when alcohol or drugs are provided to others, the College reserves the right to inform parents or guardians when:

A. Dependent students under the age of 21 have committed a violation of College policies related to alcohol or drugs. Parental notification may routinely happen at the:

  • Second offense of the alcohol policy for possession or use.
  • First offense of the alcohol policy for providing alcohol to underage drinkers or possessing a single source container.
  • First offense of the drug policy.

B. Students 21 years old or older have committed a violation of College policies related to alcohol or drugs. Parental notification may routinely happen at the:

  • First offense of the College's alcohol policy for providing alcohol to underage drinkers or possessing a single source container.
  • First offense of the College's drug policy.

Student Notification

Whenever possible, students will be informed that parental notification is planned in advance of their parents or guardians receiving notification so that they have an opportunity to discuss it with the Dean of Students or his/her designate

Posting of Signs

"To enhance our community, we accept responsibility for its social well-being. We commit ourselves to treat with respect those with whom we differ, to recognize the rights held by others, and resolve conflicts. Expressions of prejudgment and prejudice are contrary to this mutual respect and prevent the fostering of community."

--Kalamazoo College Honor System

All posted signs must be stamped by the Office of Student Development

  • All posted signs must be stamped by the Office of Student Development and must include the name of the sponsor (department, student group, etc.) and contact information (email, phone number, etc.)
  • All posted signs must include the date of posting and will be removed one week after the posting date or immediately following the announced event.
  • Signs may be posted only on general posting bulletin boards or tack boards. Signs will be removed from all other locations (including walls and glass). The sponsor will be held responsible for any damage caused by postings.
  • Signs from individuals or organizations outside the College must be reviewed and stamped in the Office of Student Development.
  • Chalking with water-soluble chalk on sidewalks only is permitted. Messages written on campus buildings with chalk, paint, pen, pencil, crayon, etc. or on any College property with indelible substances will be treated as vandalism and subject to appropriate College disciplinary procedures or referral for criminal proceedings.
  • Individuals/groups who wish to have fliers posted in the residence halls may leave a number of approved postings at the Student Development Office for the Residential Life staff to distribute to the Resident Assistants for posting on residence hall general posting bulletin boards.
  • Complaints about the content of signs should be directed to the sponsoring individuals or organizations identified on the sign. If this process cannot resolve the concern, the concerned party may contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance.

Signs which violate any of these regulations will be removed.

Reinstatement to Kalamazoo College

This procedure applies to non-medical leaves. For reinstatement after a medical leave of absence, please see Medical Leave of Absence

See the College policy on "Withdrawal, Leaves of Absence, and Dismissal from the College" in the Academic Catalog.

A Reinstatement Application must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the requested term of return.

QuarterReinstatement Application and Paperwork Due
Spring 2024February 28, 2025
Fall 2025August 15, 2025
Winter 2026December 4, 2025

Transcripts of all work completed at other colleges or universities must be sent directly to the Registrar at Kalamazoo College.

Once the Reinstatement Application has been received, the Dean of Students will verify five areas before a decision is made about reinstatement to the College:

  • Financial - All outstanding charges on the student account must be paid in full before the student can be reinstated.
  • Student Conduct - Any history of academic or social misconduct may be grounds to deny reinstatement or warrant specific requirements for a student's return to the College.
  • Academic Standing - If the student did not leave the College in good academic standing, the reinstatement request will be considered by The Academic Standards Committee. The Committee may deny reinstatement or provide specific academic requirements that must be met upon return to the College.
  • Financial Aid - Re-admittance to the College does not guarantee a resumption of previous offers of financial aid. It is recommended that the student contact the Office of Financial Aid (269.337.7192) for specific information about the opportunity to receive financial aid.
  • Health Center - Reinstatement to the College requires that a student be current on all required vaccinations, and documentation must be submitted to the Health Center.

When the five areas listed above have been verified, the Dean of Students will contact the student regarding the status of the reinstatement request. Once the process and any necessary follow up are complete, the student will receive a decision letter from the Dean of Students.

If you have any questions please contact Dana Jansma, Dean of Students ( or 269.337.7210).

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy

A.     Purpose

Kalamazoo College is committed to the promotion of a healthy and safe learning, living and working environment. The College recognizes the increasing weight of scientific evidence that use of tobacco products presents a danger to both the user and those exposed to its use. The U.S. Surgeon General has determined that tobacco use in any form, active or passive, is a significant health hazard; there is no safe level of exposure. It is the policy of Kalamazoo College to achieve an environment that is tobacco/smoke-free.

B.     Definitions

  1. “Electronic Smoking Device” means any electronic or battery-powered product containing or delivering nicotine, tobacco, THC, cannabis or other illicit substances intended for human consumption that can be used by a person in any manner for the purpose of inhaling vapor or aerosol from the product. The term includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, dab rig or vape pen, or under any other product name or descriptor.
  2. “Hookah” means a water pipe and any associated products and devices which are used to produce fumes, smoke, and/or vapor from the burning of material including, but not limited to, tobacco, shisha, or other plant matter.
  3. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, including marijuana/cannabis, in any manner or in any form. “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article.
  4. Smokeless Tobacco includes chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco (dip), snuff, nasal tobacco (snus) and/or any other variation of smokeless tobacco products.

C.     Scope

The Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy applies to all College property and College-owned vehicles, regardless of the location. This includes all sites whether owned or leased. This policy applies to all employees, temporary employees, students, clients, all visitors (e.g., vendors), consultants, independent contractors, and/or their employees on College property. The only excluded areas are public sidewalks and public roadways that border the campus.

D.     Policy

The tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products including traditional cigarettes, pipes, cigars, electronic smoking devices, hookah or water pipe smoke products and oral tobacco (chew, snuff, snus, etc.) as defined within the Scope of Coverage. With prior approval, smoking may be permitted for religious and spiritual rituals or ceremonial purposes in places approved for these activities. Requests must be submitted in writing and will be considered for approval by Campus Safety and the Dean of Students or designee.

E.      Enforcement

It is the responsibility of the administration to ensure compliance with this procedure. It is the responsibility of college leaders, managers, supervisors, and facilities managers to inform their employees of this policy and promote compliance in their areas’ responsibility and on the larger campus, and it is the responsibility of employees to inform the students. Persons who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions in the same manner as violation of other College policies.

If someone is observed violating this policy the following steps are recommended:

  1. Politely remind the person of the smoke- and tobacco-free Campus Policy and reference the respective signage. Inform the person of the policy and that it can be found on the Kalamazoo College website.
  2. Violations of the policy may be reported to Campus Safety, Student Development or Human Resources. These offices will refer to their respective policies for adjudication process and sanctioning.  

F.      Assistance to Tobacco Users

Kalamazoo College is strongly committed to supporting individuals to become nicotine-free. If you would like assistance in quitting, please contact or visit the resources provided below. Nicotine replacement therapy products (e.g., nicotine patches, gum) for the purpose of cessation are permitted provided they do not give the appearance of smoking.

  • The Michigan Tobacco Quitlink offers free information, tobacco treatment referral, online program, and text-messaging 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) in English or 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569) in Spanish. Free counseling and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may be available to certain callers.
  • BecomeAnEX (‘EX’) is run by Truth Initiative®. Truth Initiative is the largest non-profit public health organization dedicated to helping people quit tobacco.
  • Smokefree Text Messaging Programs
  • Smokefree Apps

Also see  Drug-Free Workplace policy for employees and Drug Policy for students for questions regarding policy on cannabis use.

Social Security Number Protection

In Compliance with the Michigan Social Security Number Protection Act (SSNPA), December, 2005

In an effort to properly protect the identity of each of its students and employees, Kalamazoo College has reviewed its use of social security numbers (SSN's) and has updated its practices to ensure, to the extent practicable, the confidentiality of this important individual information.

No office or individual at the College shall:

  • Publicly display all or more than four sequential digits of an SSN;
  • Require an individual to use or to transmit all or more than four sequential digits of his or her SSN over the Internet or a computer system or network unless the connection is secure or the transmission is encrypted;
  • Use an individual's SSN in an email or an attachment to an email message;
  • Print or use all or more than four sequential digits of the SSN in or on any document or information mailed or otherwise sent to an individual if it is visible on or, without manipulation, from outside of the envelope;
  • Include all or more than four sequential digits of the SSN in a document mailed to a person, unless otherwise permitted by the SSNPA;
  • Use the SSN as a student or employee number; or
  • Post grades, assignments or other information using all or more than four sequential digits of the SSN.

Permitted Uses

The following purposes may make use of (collect and/or store) full SSN's with proper authority under the legislation:

  • Payroll and tax documents
  • HR personnel database
  • Criminal background check release forms, both for employment and for students who work in the settings that require criminal background checks (e.g. Kalamazoo Public Schools, National Youth Sports Program)
  • W-9s and records necessary to complete IRS 1099 forms
  • Benefit application, enrollment and claim forms, documents and reports, including those for health, life or disability insurance; flexible benefit plans; retirement plans (e.g. TIAA-CREF); Emeriti Retirement Health Solutions
  • Financial Aid FAFSA and ISIR documents, and PowerFAIDS and EDE software
  • Americorps documentation
  • Teaching credential files for which the Michigan Department of Education requires SSN information
  • Matriculation forms completed by students paying admission deposits (required for preparation of 1098-T forms)
  • Confirmation of death of an alumnus or alumna via the federal SSN Death Index

Security measures

Once collected, those offices with the authority to collect SSN's will implement and maintain practices that keep the information safe from individuals who have no work-related reason to access said information.

  • Files or pages containing SSN's will be kept in locked cabinets, or in rooms that have staff oversight or are kept locked.
  • The CARS administrative computing system will be changed to limit the screen access to view the full SSN to a very small number of individuals who have a predetermined need to know full SSN's. The rest of campus will see only the last 4 digits of the SSN.
  • The Information Technology division of the College will maintain and document the technological security measures broadly maintained by the College.
  • College departments that have stand-alone databases will be held fully responsible for security of the information stored in those databases.

Partner organizations

The College will notify its partners of the need for SSN protection and the requirements of the SSNPA. Where such programs require the SSN and the College does not feel that it has the authority to collect and distribute that information for that purpose, the College will ask the programs involved to collect that single data element directly from the student. Identified partners to date include:

  • Study Abroad programs that are run by institutions and entities other than Kalamazoo College
  • GLCA domestic programs that enroll students
  • Physician referrals from the College's Health Center professionals

Document disposal

Proper document disposal is required for all documents that contain SSN's. Such documents may be shredded or, if the quantity of materials is significant, disposal may be contracted to a company with expertise in the disposal of confidential and sensitive documents.


Failure to comply with this policy will be grounds for administrative action against the employee or student. The department of Human Resources will be the responsible adjudicator when the violation is at the hands of a staff or faculty member, and the Dean of Students will be the responsible adjudicator when the violation involves a student.

Notice & distribution

This privacy policy statement will be made broadly available to faculty, staff and students, electronically or in other written form.

This policy document was drafted by Joellen L. Silberman, Dean of Enrollment on behalf of the members of the Fall 2005 Identity and Privacy Protection Task Force.


Outside organizations, persons or individual students may not solicit funds or sell items anywhere on campus or use the campus system for solicitation or promotion without authorization from the Dean of Students. Door to door solicitation, by any group, is strictly prohibited in the residence halls. Student organizations may solicit funds from off-campus groups, businesses, or organizations only with the approval of the College Administration. Student organizations may solicit funds from the campus community with the authorization of the Student Commission and the Dean of Students.

Weapons, Firearms, Fireworks and Explosives

The safety and security of members of the College community are a priority. Therefore, Kalamazoo College prohibits the possession, use, or sale of any kind of weapon or firearm, fireworks, explosives, or chemical on College property for any reason at any time, including substances, devices, or weapons designed to or that may incapacitate, injure or kill. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  • Firearms of any kind, including firearm look-alikes or realistic facsimiles, paint guns, weapons that discharge a projectile of any kind by air, CO2 or other gas, or via a spring-loaded mechanism, including pellet or BB guns, or other long-barreled weapons
  • Ammunition of any kind
  • Devices, including, but not limited to stun or laser guns, from which an electrical current or impulse, wave or beam may be directed
  • Sport, game, martial arts, or theatrical equipment, including but not limited to swords, numchucks, throwing stars or knives, staves, clubs, darts, blowguns
  • Bow and arrows, or crossbows
  • With the exception of culinary knives, any knife with a blade longer than 3", including pocket knives
  • Explosives or incendiary devices of any kind
  • Fireworks or firecrackers
  • Dangerous or toxic chemicals, chemical irritants, or chemicals stored or used for anything other than in a supervised experiment in a College laboratory. Chemical may not be stored in any of the Colleges residence halls or houses.

Such items are subject to immediate confiscation. Persons charged under this policy are subject to immediate interim separation from the College. Possession, use, or sale of such items on campus may lead to suspension or expulsion. The College reserves the right to involve the Kalamazoo Public Safety Department in the addressing and resolving matters under this policy.