The Office of Student Development is the go-to office for K students, providing advice, ongoing support and making referrals to other services as necessary. These supports fall into a wide range of offerings and services designed to address everything from the daily and developmental needs of students to emergency situations and crises. Whatever the issue, the Office of Student Development is a great place to start.
Explore by Department
Student Development Staff
- VP for Student Development and Dean of Students/Student Conduct
- Senior Associate Dean of Students, 1st Year Experience & Disability Services
- Associate Dean of Students, Director of Student Involvement and the Hicks Student Center
- Assistant Dean of Students for Residential Life and Student Conduct
- Wellness and CARE Coordinator
- Assistant to the Vice President and Dean of Students, Disability Student Services
Student Development Staff
J. Malcolm Smith
Vice President for Student Development
The Vice President has oversight of divisional offices and departments, and through the implementation of initiatives, advocacy, review and evaluation, seeks to lead the division and focus the campus on an education that is “student-centered.”
Dana Jansma
Dean of Students
Contact Dana Regarding:
- Student Disability Accommodations
- Medical Leaves and Withdrawals
- Student Emergencies
- General student assistance, questions, advice, support, and referrals
Brian T. Dietz, PhD
Associate Vice President for Student Development
Contact Brian Regarding:
- Student representation on committees
- Process to get student input on project
- Conducting surveys on campus
Adam Kubiak
Associate Dean of Students
Contact Adam Regarding:
- The Student Conduct Process
- The Academic Dishonesty Process
- Residence Halls
- Housing options over break for students
- When the residence halls close for break
Haley Mangette
Assistant Director of Student Success for Wellness
The Assistant Director of Student Success for Wellness provides education and training on the prevention of sexual, relationship violence and the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. The Assistant Director also provides and coordinates care and resources for students of concern.
Contact Haley Regarding:
- Resources for students
- Connecting students to case management
- Educational programs on topics of sexual or relationship violence or drugs and alcohol
Louise Tennant-Filkins
Assistant to the Vice President, Dean of Students, and Disability Student Services
Contact Louise Regarding:
- Flyers
- Storage Lockers
- Notarization
- Accommodation Appointments
Intercultural Student Life
Ron Dillard, PhD, Director of Student Success for Intercultural Student Life and First-Generation College Students
Intercultural Student Life organizes programs, initiatives, and dialogues that center the lived experiences and voices of minoritized students. Recognizing the value that our pluralistic and globally representative campus provides, the Office of Intercultural Student Life works with a range of stakeholders to foster a network of support that ensures all of our students can grow (academically, socially, and personally) through meaningful engagement across difference.
Contact Ron Regarding:
- Community building and resources for students of color
- Questions about the intercultural center, its programs and initiatives.
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
Elizabeth Candido, College Chaplain & Director for Religious and Spiritual Life
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life includes a full set of programs dedicated to enhancing the development and enrichment of students as they make meaning and pursue lives of commitment across the religious and spiritual spectrum.
Contact Elizabeth Regarding:
- Community Reflections
- Religious accommodations
- Pastoral Care
Be Well
Counseling Center
Dr. Erica Pearson, Director of Counseling Services
The Counseling Center addresses students’ mental health needs by providing counseling, crisis intervention, group therapy, and prevention programming.
Contact Dr. Pearson Regarding:
- Students in crisis
- Setting up an appointment for counseling (students)
- Outreach programming for students
Office of Disability Services
Dana Jansma, Dean of Students
The Office of Disability Services assists students with a variety of disabilities to function successfully, and helps students, faculty, and staff in creating a welcoming environment and climate for students with disabilities.
Contact Dana Regarding:
- Academic Accommodations
- Residence Hall Accommodations
- Temporary accommodations for emergencies/surgery/extended illness
Student Health Center
Lisa Ailstock, Director of Student Health Center
The Student Health Center provides direct medical services to all currently enrolled students at the campus clinic and a variety of education programs aimed at preventative care, women’s health issues, safe sexual practice, and developing the capacity to take charge of one’s own health care.
Contact Lisa Regarding:
- Available vaccines
- Student access to services
- Referrals to external services
Have Fun
Office of Student Activities
Sally Read, PhD, Associate Director of Student Involvement
Student Activities hosts a variety of programs and events throughout the year to provide fun and engaging opportunities for students. They also support over 70 student organizations and coordinate orientation programs for new students.
Contact Sally Regarding:
- First-year Experience Mentor Program
- Hosting a session during orientation
- Becoming an advisor for a student organization
- Starting a student organization
- Partnering with a student organization
Milan Levy, Program Coordinator of Student Activities
Contact Milan Regarding:
- Partnering for events (i.e. Wellness Wednesdays, Zoo After Dark)
- Volunteering for events (i.e. Monte Carlo)
Outdoor Programs
Jory Horner, Director, Land Sea & Outdoor Programs
Dedicated to offering outdoor activities to the campus community, including LandSea, the College’s optional outdoor pre-Orientation program designed to help incoming students make the transition from high school to college.
Contact Jory Regarding:
- LandSea
- Break trips
- Arboretum
Campus Dining
Nick Crocetti, Director, Dining Services
Dining Services is committed to creating the best possible dining experience with culinary expertise, fresh ingredients, healthy options, and a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility.
Contact Nick Regarding:
- Dietary Restrictions
Office of Campus Safety
Tim Young, Director of Campus Safety
Campus Safety helps us maintain campus safety and security, works with local law enforcement in the resolution of criminal complaints, has oversight of campus parking, and educates students in creating a safe environment for all members of the community.
Contact Tim Regarding:
- Parking passes
- ID Cards
- Reporting a Crime
- General campus safety concerns
Office of Residential Life and Student Conduct
Adam Kubiak, Associate Dean of Students
Residential Life provides oversight of the College’s housing system, including the overall student experience, professional and student staff training, a broad range of programs and activities, housing assignments, residence hall maintenance and renovations, and the resolution of student conduct matters.
Contact Adam Regarding:
- The Student Conduct Process
- The Academic Dishonesty Process
- Residence Halls
- Housing options over break for students
- When the residence halls close for break