Mocktails and Mingling

Join the Wellness and CARE Coordinator, Haley Mangette, on Friday, March 17th at 2 pm for Mocktails and Mingling in Hicks Banquet Hall!

Sip on some St. Patrick’s Day themed mocktails, chat with others across campus, and learn about some of the new prevention efforts for alcohol and other drugs misuse.

Dining Vendor Feedback

Greetings Campus Community!

Today (March 9th) we wrapped up the dining presentations and now we ask for your feedback. Below is a link to the form and request you complete by the end of the day on Monday, March 13th.

Dining Vendor Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to attend, sample, and provide your valuable feedback.

Malcolm Smith, V.P. for Student Development & Dean of Students
Lisa VanDeWeert, V.P. for Business & Finance

Dining Vendor Presentations

The College’s current dining contract is expiring, and we have requested proposals from various dining vendors to determine which company will service K going forward. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the presentations of the three dining vendor finalists who are coming to campus.

Below are the vendors, times, and locations, for each presentation. An opportunity for feedback will be provided.  

  • Monday, March 6th – Vendor 1
    • 2:00 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. in the Stone Room  
  • Thursday, March 9th – Vendor 2
    • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Hicks Banquet Hall 
  •  Thursday, March 9th – Vendor 3
    • 2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. in the Hicks Banquet Hall 

CLA+ Open to Seniors

This year Kalamazoo College is participating in the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) which measures skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and effective written communication. All current Seniors are eligible and encouraged to participate this Winter term.

Students can visit – to learn more about the CLA+ and to get instructions on how to access the online assessment.