
Greetings! Powerful learning happens at K – in the classroom, out of the classroom, and off campus; about oneself, about others, about ideas, and about the world. The purpose of the Kalamazoo College Student Handbook, in concert with the College Catalog and the College website, is to provide students with helpful and relevant information in a reasonably accessible format. Information included herein pertains to resources and services that can enhance the overall student experience, ranging from involvement in campus life to emergency resources. The Handbook also includes information about policies and expectations that shape student life, including the Honor Statement and the Student Code of Conduct. We have attempted here to anticipate some of the most common issues and questions raised by students, and to provide good referral information for other issues. Much of the referral information is provided by link to the relevant institutional departments or policies.

Successful students are those who seek help when they need it.

Please be aware that the handbook (1) is not a complete statement of all policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of Kalamazoo College; and (2) that the College reserves the right to change any procedures, policies, programs, and other information, that appear in the Student Handbook or elsewhere. The College will give notice to students of changes within a reasonable amount of time. If you have suggestions or questions about the Student Handbook itself, please direct them to the Office of the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students.


The mission of Kalamazoo College is to prepare its graduates to better understand, live successfully within, and provide enlightened leadership to a richly diverse and increasingly complex world.

Kalamazoo College Learning Outcomes

In fulfillment of the mission of the institution, Kalamazoo College graduates will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Address complex problems
  • Collaborate successfully
  • Demonstrate intercultural competency

Statement of Non-Discrimination

An equal opportunity employer, Kalamazoo College is committed to equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal protection under the law. In adherence with applicable laws, the College prohibits discrimination in its employment practices and its education programs, activities, and services on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, height, weight, marital status, familial status, veteran status, genetic information, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. Retaliation against a person who reports an allegation of discrimination or who participates in an investigation or proceeding related to this Policy is also prohibited by law.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the College’s non-discrimination policies:

J. Malcolm Smith
Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students

Reneé Boelcke
Associate Vice President, Human Resources

Tanya Jachimiak
Director, Office of Gender Equity and Access
Section 504 Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator
Upjohn Library Commons, Room 217
1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49006

Additional information about the College's sexual harassment and sexual misconduct policy, Policy Against Harassment and Gender Discrimination, can be found at Office of Gender Equity and Access.


Campus emergencies are typically responded to by Campus Safety (ext.7321 or 269.337.7321). The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, which includes both police and fire services, can be reached by phoning 9-911 from a campus phone, or 911 from other phones. Residential Life, Counseling Center, and Student Health Center Staff, along with Campus Safety and the Dean of Students Office are part of the campus emergency response system. More information is available on the Campus Safety Emergency Procedures page. Campus Safety.

Residence halls are staffed by trained resident assistants who often provide initial emergency response in those locations.


College Communication with Students

Kalamazoo College’s official means of communication with students is via individual Kalamazoo College student email address, the Hicks Student Center mail box, and the Hornet Hive campus portal. Please check each one daily as students are responsible for responding to College communication. Students are encouraged to set their Hornet Hive as their home web page, and connect their email to their mobile device at Information Services. Emergency communication may also include text messages and/or mobile phone calls as part of the K Alert system.

Student Contact/Communication with Staff and Faculty

Email and phone calls are good ways to contact offices and people at the College if you are unable to see them in person. This contact is best done professionally - address the person by their title (Mr., Ms., Dr., Professor, or Dean, for example) and last name, identify yourself and your request, and use appropriate punctuation and spelling. Remember that this kind of correspondence is much more formal than the way most of us communicate with friends and family. Remember, too, that you may not receive an immediate response, especially if you send or leave a message at night or during the weekend.

Complicated or unusual matters are almost always better addressed in person rather than by correspondence. Feel free to use an email or phone contact as a way to schedule an appointment to discuss such matters.

Complaints and Concerns

General questions and concerns can be raised with specific offices. Complaints about staff or faculty members can be raised in the following ways:

Staff. A student with a complaint about a staff member should first attempt to bring their complaint to the staff member’s attention. If you feel unsafe doing so, or fear some kind of reprisal, you may contact the staff member’s direct supervisor to make a complaint. Staff in the Dean of Students Office may be of assistance, and the Director of Human Resources is another good resource.

Faculty. Students with a complaint about a faculty member should first attempt to address the concern with the faculty member directly. If you feel unsafe doing so or fear some kind of reprisal, you may bring the concern to the attention of the chair of the department in which the faculty member teaches. Students may also meet with the staff in the Provost’s Office. Staff in the Dean of Students Office may also be of assistance.


Kalamazoo College students work in a variety of capacities for the College, as well as through some of our off-campus partnerships. Students can work on campus during the academic year or during summer vacation. In most cases, prior experience is not a requirement for campus employment. For more information, visit Campus Employment.

Important Phone Numbers

Kalamazoo College phone numbers begin with 269.337…. and end with individual employee or department extensions. The following numbers are listed as campus extensions:

Campus Safety 7321
Admission 7166
Advising 5767
Athletics 7082
Chaplain/Religious & Spiritual Life 7362
Disability Services 7209
Facilities Management 7308
Financial Aid 7192
President 7220
Provost 7162
Registrar 7204
Residential Life 7210
Student Accounts 7226
Student Development 7209
Student Employment 7183
Student Health Center 7200
Title IX 7480

Kalamazoo Dept. of Public Safety 269.337.8994
Intimate Partner Violence 800.799.7233
Sexual Assault: YWCA 269.385.3587
Suicide: Gryphon Place 269.381.4357

Other campus phone numbers can be accessed via the online directory.

Involvement in Campus Life

Students who are engaged with activities and organizations in addition to their academic work tend to do better academically, feel more satisfied with their experience overall, have strong peer relationships, and develop skills (interpersonal, time management, technical) that serve them well beyond their K experience. Much of the “feel” of the campus is due to the involvement of students over time. Partial listings of opportunities for involvement can be found at Office of Student Activities and Council of Student Representatives. Get involved!

Selected Campus Offices and Departments

The campus website is a good source of information about many different offices and services. While basic information is provided here about some of the offices and departments that students most frequently use on campus, much more information about them and other offices can be found at the Kalamazoo College website.


The academic advising program at Kalamazoo College helps students define their academic plans in support of their interests, passions, and goals. Advising is provided by faculty and staff mentors who pay attention to what is happening to their advisees and who provide guidance so that students can make the most of their education. Further information is at Advising.

Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership

The Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) works to develop and sustain leaders in human rights and social justice through education and capacity-building initiatives. The ACSJL hosts public events, facilitates trainings, and provides grants for leadership development opportunities that promote social change through an anti-oppression lens. In addition, the center’s building is available for meetings, informal gatherings and study. The ACSJL invites everyone to imagine a socially just world and be a part of creating it. Further information can be found at Arcus Center.


The Athletic Department administers varsity and intramural athletics. The College sponsors seventeen varsity sports and a variety of seasonal intramural opportunities. The Athletic Department also provides recreational access to its facilities for students, faculty and staff. Further information is at Hornet Sports.

Campus Safety

The Office of Campus Safety provides 24-hour patrol of campus and emergency response, every day of the year. Kalamazoo College security officers do not have arrest powers, and work closely with local law enforcement as needed. Campus Safety provides educational programs to help students increase safety awareness, and administers campus parking, bicycle registration, and campus I.D. cards. Campus Safety.

Center for Career and Professional Development

The CCPD creates meaningful connections to the world of work, empowering Kalamazoo College students to explore, identify and pursue their diverse interests, values and passions, and to develop a framework of skills, networks and knowledge for successful lifelong career planning and professional development. Among other services, the CCPD offers résumé writing/review, internship/externship programs, campus employment listings, career assessment tools, and professional networking opportunities. Further information is at Center for Career and Professional Development.

Center for Civic Engagement

The Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) involves students, faculty and community members in long-term, reciprocal partnerships to foster academic learning, critical problem-solving, and a lifetime of civic engagement while strengthening our city. Both service-learning courses and student-led programs use a critical lens and promote action, reflection, and advocacy. Further information can be found at Center for Civic Engagement.

Center for International Programs

The CIP offers study abroad and study away programs of varying lengths, academic emphasis, and locations. The goal is to provide qualified students with access to international and domestic programs which provide academically challenging coursework in an educational system whose values and methods reflect those of the local culture. The CIP currently sends students to 50 programs on 6 continents. Further information can be found at Center for International Programs.

Counseling Center

The staff of the Counseling Center, including five doctoral interns, addresses students' mental health needs by providing counseling, crisis intervention, educational outreach, group therapy, and prevention programming. Further information and many resources are available at Counseling.

Dining Services

Campus dining services include traditional student dining in the Hicks Student Center, on- and off-campus catering, special events, holiday celebrations, and Richardson Room. A range of meal plans is offered by the College, including “commuter plans.” A wide range of specialized dietary needs can be accommodated by Dining Services. The Book Club in the Upjohn Commons Library is also an extension of Campus Dining. Further information is at Dining.

Disability Services

Qualified students who have diagnosed or identified learning, physical, or emotional disabilities are entitled to the same benefits from the educational programs of the college as non-disabled students. Kalamazoo College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities, unless that accommodation imposes undue hardship or burden or would not alleviate a direct threat to the student or others. Further information is at Disability Services.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management maintains all campus facilities and grounds, coordinates campus recycling, and coordinates college vehicle reservation and use. They also respond to work order requests for the residence halls. Further information is at Facilities Management.

Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid helps assess student eligibility for financial assistance, provides guidance about potential sources of assistance, awards financial aid, and advises students about their options in a variety of unique circumstances including dropping or withdrawing from classes. Further information is at Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Fitness and Wellness Center

The Fitness & Wellness Center engages the campus community with a state of the art fitness facility that balances mind, body and spirit through engagement in various recreational activities. The facility highlights include a large weight room and cardio fitness area, two racquetball courts, squash court, three multi-purpose rooms, group fitness classes and houses the intercollegiate tennis programs. Further information can be found at Fitness Center.

Intercultural Student Life

The Office of Intercultural Student Life provides programming, works with individual students, and collaborates with campus partners to enhance the sense of belonging for all students, with a focus on the experiences of first generation students, students of color, LGBTQAI+ students, and international students. Further information is at Intercultural Student Life.

LandSea and Outdoor Programs

LandSea is an intensive, outdoor, pre-orientation program for first-year students that occur prior to the start of the academic year.  Outdoor programs also has on- and closer-to-campus programs that help students enjoy the outdoors, build community, and develop their leadership skills throughout the year. Further information is at Outdoor Programs.


The Office of the Provost has overall responsibility for the academic program including the curriculum and the faculty. Further information is at Office of the Provost .


The Office of the Registrar maintains all student academic records, schedules classes, administers the drop and add processes, receives petitions for the Committee on Academic Standards, and audits students’ progress toward their degree. More information is at Office of the Registrar.

Religious & Spiritual Life

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life maintains a full set of programs dedicated to enhancing the development and enrichment of student spiritual and religious life. A centerpiece of those efforts is regular Friday Community Reflections in the Chapel and a variety of ongoing programs geared to individual exploration/expression for students from all faith traditions. Further information is at Residential & Spiritual Life.

Residential Life

Residential living is supportive of one's academic preparation and plays an integral role in one's experiential education, providing rich opportunities for involvement and development. The Office of Residential Life manages all aspects of residential life – staffing, housing assignments, residence hall policies, and programming. Further information is at Residential Life.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities works closely with student organizations, Student Commission, the Student Activities Committee, and other students to plan campus programs and events. They partner with a variety of campus entities for leadership development programs, and they supervise the activities of the Hicks Student Center. Further information is at Student Activities.

Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct administers the student conduct system, including revision of the Student Code of Conduct, selection and training of the Hearing Panel and the Appeal Board, training of the Student Conduct Advisors, and the overall functioning of the system. Further information is at Student Conduct.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides a wide range of confidential medical services to students, including assessment and treatment of acute illness, allergy injections, contraceptive counseling and consultation, immunizations, diagnostic laboratory testing, physical exams, and travel clinics. A self-care station is available in the waiting room, and there is no fee for most services. Further information is at Health Center.

Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students

Provides oversight to the Division of Student Development, and attends to overall student welfare and student life issues.


The policies of Kalamazoo College are designed to support student success and learning, to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all students, and to comply with relevant laws. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all campus policies, found on the campus website. Selected policies are highlighted below:

Academic Policies are available in the College Catalog .

Student Conduct
The Honor System and the Student Code of Conduct are essential in shaping community expectations about behavior and conduct. The Student Code of Conduct (also referred to as the Code) is rooted in the mission of Kalamazoo College, and in the Honor System, our mutually held principles freeing us to create an environment of living and learning that will foster understanding, mutual respect, intellectual curiosity, and social commitment. The Code describes minimal expectations, in the form of proscribed behavior, necessary to pursue our mission and to enact the principles of the Honor System. The Honor System calls us to higher ideals than the minimal expectations of the Code. The Code includes definitions, a description of its authority, proscribed conduct, student conduct hearing procedures, and information about its interpretation and revision. All students are bound by the Honor System and the Student Code of Conduct. The full text can be found at Student Code of Conduct and you are encouraged to read the entire document. You are also encouraged to review the additional resources located at the same site.

Selected Related Policies
Academic Dishonesty
Alcohol Policy
Human Resources Policies
Information Services Policies
Housing and Board Policies
Policy Against Harassment
Credit/No Credit and Course Withdrawals


The College has many resources to support success, including the offices mentioned earlier in the Handbook. Successful students are those who seek help when they need it.

Academic Questions or Concerns

Common academic questions relate to course selection and scheduling, major/degree requirements, transfer of credit, transcripts, and so on are best initially addressed to your academic advisor, the Director of Advising, or the Office of the Registrar. Advisors are excellent sources of information, along with the Director of Advising and the Office of the Registrar. Questions or concerns about specific class experiences are best addressed with the faculty member teaching the course. Academic department chairs, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of the Dean of Students can also be of assistance with concerns pertaining to specific class experiences.

Academic Resources

The Learning Commons is staffed by professionals, and rely heavily on peer assistance to enhance academic achievement. The Commons currently offer peer assistance in math, physics, writing, science and library research, and provide a quiet place to study as well as find help. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. Peer assistance services are available to all students at no cost. More information about contacts, location, and hours is at Learning Commons.

General Questions or Concerns

If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, you have a variety of options for registering those. We strongly encourage you to speak directly to the person or office responsible for the policy or issue in question. You are also welcome to talk to any of the Deans in Student Development. It is often the case that a question or concern is best addressed as part of an in-person discussion where clarifying questions and important contextual information can be provided. You are also invited to send an email message to The email method, also accessible via the campus portal, will ensure a response within two business days.

Student Records and Privacy

The College subscribes fully to the guidelines set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Section 438 of the General Education Provision Act. It provides students who have matriculated access to education records directly related to them and protects the private information contained within those files from unauthorized persons. The College’s complete policy is available at Student Records.

Withdrawal, Leaves of Absence, and Dismissal from the College

Withdrawal, Leaves of Absence, and Dismissal from the College
Relevant policies can be found at Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, and Dismissal from Kalamazoo College. Dean of Students Dana Jansma in Student Development is the “point person” for students with questions related to leaving and/or returning to Kalamazoo College. She can be reached at Ext.7209 or

Kalamazoo Alma Mater

R.F. Holden, K '1907.
W.F. Dunbar, K '1924
arr. Overley/Rackley (1950/1986)

  1. O, Kalamazoo, our faithful friend,
    We offer thee a song,
    To praise the home where friendships blend
    and weld so true and strong.
    O, sacred refuge and most hallowed place,
    Where hope and joy renew,
    With tight'ning grip and bright'ning face
    That speak thy love, Kazoo.
  2. When these dear scenes are left behind
    No fortune can subdue
    The chords of love that closely bind
    Our hearts to thee, Kazoo.
    Each tree upon thy fair Arcadian hill
    Is dear to us for aye.
    Dark storms may come, cold blasts may chill
    But friendship e'er will stay
  3. When age has decked our heads with white
    And youth has ceased to glow,
    We'll revel in one sweet delight
    The times of long ago.
    O then, Kazoo, shall beauties of the past
    Enrich our souls anew,
    And while our earthly vigils last,
    The watchword is Kazoo.