Amnesty for Students Seeking Assistance During Emergencies

Student health and safety are of primary concern at Kalamazoo College. As such, in cases of significant intoxication or injury as a result of alcohol or other substances (including legal and illicit drugs) that require medical attention, the College encourages individuals to seek medical assistance for themselves or others. The College recognizes that students may be reluctant to seek medical assistance out of fear of consequences related to possessing or consuming alcohol or drugs. The purpose of the Amnesty Policy is to reduce the barriers to seeking medical assistance for emergencies and promote community wellbeing and safety. When this occurs, the College honors that care by prioritizing educational and supportive responses. The College will not pursue disciplinary action through the student conduct process for violations of the alcohol and other drug policies for students who take such action (for themselves or others). Instead, the students will meet with Student Development personnel and be assigned educational interventions when there is concern regarding the safety of a student in connection to the student’s alcohol or drug use.

Students Who Are Eligible for Medical Amnesty

  1. A student who contacts emergency services (Contacts 911) or speaks with a College Official (e.g., Resident Assistant, Area Coordinator, or Campus Safety) in order to obtain medical assistance for themselves or another individual experiencing an alcohol or drug medical-related emergency; and, if applicable:
    • The student stays with the individual requiring aid;
    • The student meets with the appropriate Student Development Staff after the incident;
      • The student will be contacted via their College email for next steps
    • The student cooperates with any investigation related to the incident;
    • The student completes any educational requirement determined by Student Development.
  2. A student who receives medical assistance for an alcohol- or drug-related emergency as the result of another student calling for such assistance.
  3. A student who reports a potential violation of the Policy Against Harassment or participates in an investigation through the Office of Gender Equity and Access. Prohibited conduct will not be disciplined by the College for a violation of the College’s drug and alcohol policies that may have occurred in connection with the reported incident.

Amnesty does not apply when action to call for help is not taken prior to arrival of College staff member or emergency personnel.

Amnesty only applies to College alcohol and drug use and/or possession policies. A student alleged to be in violation of other College policies other than those related to drug and alcohol use will still be subject to the student conduct process for those potential violations.

Amnesty may not be used as a means for students to circumvent disciplinary procedures nor does it protect against repeated, flagrant, or serious violations of College policy (any form of violence including physical or sexual assault, hazing, harassment, theft, or vandalism or instances where multiple individuals need medical attention). Amnesty does not preclude or prevent action by police or other legal authorities.

Student conduct administrators will determine on a case-by-case basis whether a student is eligible for Amnesty under this policy.

Policy Procedures

If a student is eligible for Amnesty, the College will not pursue disciplinary action through the student conduct process. However, the College recognizes the need to provide support and education related to alcohol and/or drug use.

Students who are eligible for Amnesty must complete the following steps.

Eligible students are required to meet with a staff member in Student Development.

  1. A meeting will be scheduled with Student Development staff member. The student will be notified of a scheduled a meeting through their College email account.
  2. During the meeting, the staff member will determine whether and what appropriate educational supports for the student are necessary. There will be no cost associated with any educational supports assigned.
  3. The student must complete any required educational support(s). Educational supports may include, but are not limited to:
    • An alcohol and other drug workshop
    • A confidential one-to-one meeting with an on- or off-campus alcohol and other drug specialist
    • Attendance at a support group meeting for alcohol and/or other drugs
      • Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern for the safety of the student and may prompt additional educational requirements to address that concern. In some cases, an in- or out-patient treatment facility might be recommended. These facilities typically come at a cost that may or may not be covered by a student’s health insurance provider.
  4. Students must complete the requirements in their entirety. If a student fails to complete the requirements in their entirety, they may be subject to additional requirements or may be subject to the formal student conduct process outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
  5. During the required meeting, any student who brings their own use, addiction, or dependency to the attention of the staff member will be supported. Kalamazoo is committed to supporting students navigating substance use issues. A formal support plan may be developed in partnership with the student and will be used to track engagement by the student. If a student fails to complete the requirements in their entirety, they may be subject to additional requirements or may be subject to the formal student conduct process.

Students who do not complete the requirements of the Amnesty Policy may be subject to discipline through university student conduct process.

Recognizing Emergencies Related to Alcohol and Drug Use

Examples of medical emergency include, but are not limited to:

  1. Alcohol Poisoning/Overdose
  2. Drug Overdose
  3. Physical injuries as a result of substance use

Signs of Substance Overdose Include:

  • Confusion or stupor
  • Vomiting while passed out, not waking up after vomiting, or incoherence while vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Breathing is slow (less than 8 breaths per minute) or irregular, with 10 seconds or more between breaths
  • Weak pulse, very rapid pulse, or very slow pulse
  • Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin
  • Loss of consciousness: Inability to awaken a person with loud shouting, or inability of a person to remain awake for more than 2-3 minutes or to carry on a coherent conversation when awake (semi-conscious)

A person who has lost consciousness and cannot be awakened is in danger of dying. Help is needed immediately.

Failure of students to take responsible actions in an emergency situation where action is clearly warranted will void all protections under this policy and may lead to further disciplinary action when such failure to act otherwise constitutes a violation of College policy.